by Ingredient

Buttercup squash

About the ingredient buttercup squash. Including 4 recipes with buttercup squash.



In Chinese:毛茛南瓜
British (UK) term: Buttercup squash
en français:courge Buttercup
en español:calabaza botón de oro

Recipes using buttercup squash

There are 4 recipes that contain this ingredient.

Vegan Squash Soup

Vegan Squash Soup

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Squash Soup recipe


Easy Buttercup Squash

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Buttercup squash is one of the sweetest varieties of winter squash, and its seeds make a great snack, just like pumpkin seeds.


Maple Cranberry Buttercup Squash

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This showy make-ahead buttercup squash recipe is impressively divine. Maple-infused cranberries top maple butter-flavored squash baked-on apple slices.

All 4 recipes

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