by Ingredient

Crescent roll dough

About the ingredient crescent roll dough. Including 98 recipes with crescent roll dough.


crescent roll dough


In Chinese:新月形面团滚
British (UK) term: Crescent roll dough
en français:rouleau la pâte à croissants
en español:media luna rollo de masa

Recipes using crescent roll dough

There are 98 recipes that contain this ingredient.

Easy Crescent Vegetable Pizza

Easy Crescent Vegetable Pizza

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This easy crescent roll vegetable pizza is a favorite go-to for potlucks, showers, or wherever there's a hungry crowd. Use leftover veggies or your lastest garden harvest for toppings.

A Texas Breakfast Casserole

A Texas Breakfast Casserole

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A Texas-sized overnight breakfast casserole with sausage, ham or bacon. Perfect for any Sunday morning. Make ahead the night before and simply throw it in the oven the next morning.


Quick Vegetable Pizza


A simple, quick, and easy veggie pizza uses Crescent roll dough for light and puffy pizza crust that's ready in under 20 minutes.


Golden Cheese & Pepper Rolls

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Golden Cheese and Pepper Rolls recipe


Sylvia's Lattice-Topped Turkey Pie

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This was a big hit at our house: only a little strip was left along one edge of the casserole! I used nonfat mayonnaise, and bet that nonfat yogurt would work just as well to cut down on fat. I was out of peas, so used corn. And I used leftover chicken instead of turkey. Save this one for a neat way to use up your leftover Thanksgiving turkey.


Beef & Cheese Pie

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Beef and cheddar cheese in a flaky crescent roll crust.


Cheesy Crescent Zucchini Quiche

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Cheesy Crescent Zucchini Quiche recipe

All 98 recipes

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