by Ingredient

Egg product

About the ingredient egg product. Including 9 recipes with egg product.



In Chinese:蛋制品
British (UK) term: Egg product
en français:produit d'oeuf
en español:producto de huevo

Recipes using egg product

There are 9 recipes that contain this ingredient.

No-Cholesterol Fruit-Filled Muffins

No-Cholesterol Fruit-Filled Muffins

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Quick and easy Bisquick muffins filled with fruit jam. Ready in a flash and contain no cholesterol.

Breakfast Tortilla Wrap

Breakfast Tortilla Wrap

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Good option for breakfast.


Bread Shell Breakfast Pizza

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The crust is a filled Italian bread shell loaded with tasty "toppings". Hearty and vegetarian!


Nice Baked Oatmeal

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This is a simple and tasty oatmeal.

All 9 recipes

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