by Ingredient

Lemon thyme

About the ingredient lemon thyme. Including 10 recipes with lemon thyme.



In Chinese:柠檬百里香
British (UK) term: Lemon thyme
en français:thym citron
en español:tomillo limón

Recipes using lemon thyme

There are 10 recipes that contain this ingredient.

Lemon Thyme Chicken

Lemon Thyme Chicken

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If you're in a hurry, try this dish that is sure to keep you intrigued by it's tantalizing aroma!

Karen's Meatloaf

Karen's Meatloaf

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I use crushed Ritz crackers instead of bread crumbs and add 2/3 cup of shredded sharp Cheddar. A simple gravy to go along with the meatloaf can also be made using another packet of soup mix, 2 Tbs. flour and 2 cups of cold water. Simmer until thickened.

Chickpea and Butternut Squash Casserole

Chickpea & Butternut Squash Casserole

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A tasty, filling and nutritious dish. It was easy to make, both the flavor and the texture were great. We had it with a few slices of homemade whole wheat bread, delicious!


Amazing Ricotta Cheese-Lemon Thyme Tart

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Having a few guests over for dinner? Serve these delicious tart that will have people sending compliments to the chef!


Salmon Loaf with Horseradish Sauce

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Salmon Loaf with Horseradish Sauce recipe

All 10 recipes

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