About the ingredient marshmallow cream. Including 81 recipes with marshmallow cream, and nutrition data.
Marshmallow cream is a member of the Sweets US Department of Agriculture nutritional food group.
Amount | Weight |
1 ounce | 28 grams |
1 jar | 198 grams |
In Chinese: | 棉花糖霜 | |
British (UK) term: | Marshmallow cream | |
en français: | crème de guimauve | |
en español: | crema de malvavisco |
There are 81 recipes that contain this ingredient.
Mom's Chocolate Marshmallow Fudge recipe
Whoopie Pies recipe
Very Blueberry Cheesecake recipe
Make your own savory fudge with this simple recipe that is tasty and 100% stress free!
Creamy Peanut Butter Fudge recipe
Find out what your fantasy is with this delicious fudge recipe that's easy to understand and follow.
Appalachia Mountain Fudge recipe
This is great!
Best Whoopie Pies recipe
Super smooth texture with intense chocolate flavor along with a dose of marshmallow fluff that keeps this fudge light and fluffy.
This super moist cake is super chocolaty and delicious. The marshmallow cream is filled in between of the cake layers, then a layer of chocolate frosting on top. A decadent chocolate cake that wows everyone.
This decadent snack made with milk chocolate and marshmallow cream is perfect for surprising relatives at the next Christmas dinner!
A sweet dip for fresh fruit or graham crackers.
Impress family or friends at the next dinner you have with them with this decadent and delicious cake.
Sandwich Cookies recipe
A rich and minty version of this candy classic.