by Ingredient

Onion relish

About the ingredient onion relish. Including 2 recipes with onion relish.



In Chinese:洋葱津津乐道
British (UK) term: Onion relish
en français:oignon goût
en español:gusto de cebolla

Recipes using onion relish

There are 2 recipes that contain this ingredient.

Roasted Sweet Potatoes with Hummus and Crispy Kale

Roasted Sweet Potatoes with Hummus & Crispy Kale

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Sweet potatoes topped with sweet caramel onions, creamy hummus and crispy kale chips. It's even vegan and vegetarian but beefy enough to satisfy even the meat lovers.


Quick 'N Easy Macaroni & Cheese

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A quick and scrumptious dinner that even your kids can help you make!

All 2 recipes

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