by Ingredient

Pasta, spinach fettuccine

About the ingredient pasta, spinach fettuccine. Including 18 recipes with pasta, spinach fettuccine, and where to find it.


Where found

Pasta, spinach fettuccine is usually found in the pasta section or aisle of the grocery store or supermarket.

In Chinese:面食,意大利细面条菠菜
British (UK) term:
en français:épinards fettucine
en español:fettuccine de espinacas

Recipes using pasta, spinach fettuccine

There are 18 recipes that contain this ingredient.

Scallop and Smoked Salmon Pasta

Scallop & Smoked Salmon Pasta

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We liked it very much. The flavour is strong so make sure you serve it to those who like fish or cut down on the smoked salmon.

Cajun Jambalaya Pasta

Cajun Jambalaya Pasta

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A delicious colorful Cajun pasta main with chicken and shrimp.


Spinach Fettucini with Ginger Chicken


Try this succulent dish that brings a variety of different flavors to your dinner table.


Best Spinach Fettuccine with Ginger Chicken

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Try something different for dinner by using this scrumptious recipe that will have you scooping out seconds!


Favourite Straw & Hay Pasta

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Favourite Straw and Hay Pasta recipe


Blue Cheese Fettuccine

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Easy, quick and rich tasting pasta and it's ready in 20 minutes.

All 18 recipes

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