by Ingredient

Peas, dried

About the ingredient peas, and dried. Including 5 recipes with peas, and dried.



In Chinese:豌豆,干
British (UK) term: Peas, dried
en français:pois, séchés
en español:guisantes, se secaron

Recipes using peas, dried

There are 5 recipes that contain this ingredient.

French Canadian Pea Soup

French Canadian Pea Soup

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This authentic French Canadian recipe is a classic belly warmer and perfect for a cold day. Split-pea soup with a ham bone, ham hock or salt pork. Make it a vegetarian split-pea soup by leaving out the ham bone and using vegetable stock instead of water.


Good Luck New Year's Soup

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New year soup, happy new year!

All 5 recipes

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