by Ingredient

Seven grain cereal

About the ingredient seven grain cereal. Including 8 recipes with seven grain cereal.



In Chinese:7谷物
British (UK) term: Seven grain cereal
en français:sept céréales de grains
en español:siete granos de cereales

Recipes using seven grain cereal

There are 8 recipes that contain this ingredient.

Best Multigrain Sandwich Bread

Best Multigrain Sandwich Bread

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Some Multigrain sandwich bread feels like a brick and tastes like a card board, which frustrates us especially when we want to move to a healthier diet. But not this bread, it actually feels soft and fluffy, perfect for making any sandwiches. The nutty flavor adds extra yumminess.


Amazing Grape Nuts & Grains


Amazing Grape Nuts and Grains recipe


Seven Grain Whole Wheat Bread

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Seven Grain Whole Wheat Bread recipe


7 Grain Corn Muffins

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These scrumptious corn muffins are the perfect for breakfast for those who are constantly on the move.


Poulsbo Bread

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Poulsbo Bread recipe

All 8 recipes

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