by Ingredient

Taco shells

About the ingredient taco shells. Including 29 recipes with taco shells, and where to find it.


Where found

Taco shells are usually found in the mexican section or aisle of the grocery store or supermarket.

In Chinese:塔科炮弹
British (UK) term:
en français:coquilles à tacos
en español:tacos

Recipes using taco shells

There are 29 recipes that contain this ingredient.

Cobble Corn Chili Tacos

Cobble Corn Chili Tacos

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Cobble Corn Chili Tacos recipe

Spaghetti Tacos

Spaghetti Tacos

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Seems odd but the crispy tacos actually go well together and kids love it because it appeared on the kids television show, iCarly.

Beef Tacos

Beef Tacos

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Instead of driving through the Taco Bell. Make these easy and delicious beef tacos at home. The recipe takes no time to put together, and these tacos will for sure satisfie you.


Delicious Tacos

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regular taco recipe


Quick And Easy Tacos

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This scrumptious dish satisfies your hunger and also adds excitement and fun to dinner.


Favourite Mexican Tacos

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Favourite Mexican Tacos recipe


Crab Tacos


This recipe uses ready-made taco shells, but soft tortillas are good too.


Microwave Taco Salad

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Microwave Taco Salad recipe


Chili Bean Tacos

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Chili Bean Tacos recipe


Three-Bean Tacos

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This is a great recipe- very light and a great dish for a veggie night!


Chicken & Rice Tacos

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Delicious and filling.

All 29 recipes

List of all ingredients