by Ingredient

Health and nutrition news that’s easy to digest

Healthy Living News

Tips for Keeping Your Heart Healthy

Tips for Keeping Your Heart Healthy

As you age, even in your younger years, it is important to keep yourself in good health. Pay attention to these tips as you age, to help prevent cardiovascular disease.

Does Eating Red Meat Shorten Your Life??

Does Eating Red Meat Shorten Your Life??

For those who love to eat red meat, new research may make you think twice. Learn about some of the new risks.

One Daily Serving of Beans can Reduce Heart Disease

One Daily Serving of Beans can Reduce Heart Disease

Dietary changes can significantly change a person’s risk of developing heart disease. A recent study shows that only one daily serving of beans can help reduce the risk.

The Dangers of Artificial Sweeteners?

The Dangers of Artificial Sweeteners?

For those who love their artificial sweeteners, learning about the potential harmful side effects, like an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, may help change their habits.

Decrease Your Risk of Diabetes with More Coffee

Decrease Your Risk of Diabetes with More Coffee

Can increasing coffee consumption lower the risk of diabetes?

Do You Help or Hurt Your Metabolism?

Do You Help or Hurt Your Metabolism?

Find out what you are doing right and what you could be doing better!

Washing Raw Chicken may Make You Ill

Washing Raw Chicken may Make You Ill

Cleaning chicken can spread dirty germs?.

These 6 Foods Make Your Skin Glow

These 6 Foods Make Your Skin Glow

Enjoy these 6 foods that can make your skin glowing and youthful.

Protect Yourself from Pollution with Broccoli

Protect Yourself from Pollution with Broccoli

Broccoli removes cancer-causing pollutants from your body.

 Carbs that Slim Your Waistline

Carbs that Slim Your Waistline

Not all carbs make you pack on the pounds.