by Ingredient

Health and nutrition news that’s easy to digest

Healthy Living News

Thinking of Skipping Breakfast to Cut Calories? Think Again!

Thinking of Skipping Breakfast to Cut Calories? Think Again!

People who skip breakfast in an attempt to cut their daily caloric intake may be in for a big surprise when they realize that this bad habit only makes them more likely to overindulge throughout the day.

Need to Eat Less Salt? Use Herbs and Spices!

Need to Eat Less Salt? Use Herbs and Spices!

How can herbs and spices help you lower your sodium intake?

5 Tips for Healthy Grocery Shopping

5 Tips for Healthy Grocery Shopping

Don’t let grocery shopping sabotage your weight loss goals!

10 Foods to Beautify Your Skin!

10 Foods to Beautify Your Skin!

Transform your diet to give you glowing, healthy skin.

Think Twice Before That Daily Glass of Wine!

Think Twice Before That Daily Glass of Wine!

Even small amounts of alcohol can increase stroke risk.

Another Reason to Drink Green Tea!

Another Reason to Drink Green Tea!

Simply drinking green tea can sharpen your memory and protect you from disease.

Stronger Muscles = Good Medicine

Stronger Muscles = Good Medicine

Find out why building your muscles builds better health.

Baby Spinach Salad with Asian Ginger Dressing

Spinach: The Powerful Green

Find out why spinach is so good for you and how to prepare this nutrient-rich, super green.

Could Your Pills Be Killing You?

Could Your Pills Be Killing You?

Think twice before turning to anti-anxiety drugs and sleeping pills.

Pick Up Healthy Habits

Pick Up Healthy Habits

What makes healthy people so...healthy?