by Ingredient

Health and nutrition news that’s easy to digest

Fruit May Not Be a No-No for Diabetics

Many of the extremely low-carb fad diets that are popular today encourage people to limit their fruit intake. This is supposedly because fruit contains high amount of carbohydrates in the form of natural sugars. It’s important to understand that the sugar contained within fruit has less impact on the fluctuation of blood sugar than the sugars found in junk foods or soda. Fruits contain mostly water and fibre, and that fibre helps slow down digestion and prevent blood sugar spikes.

So, if you are diabetic, you should realize that fruit is probably good for you! It is a healthy snack and offers carbs that help your blood sugar stabilize. Here are four reasons to eat fruit:

1. Fruit helps reduce inflammation.

Certain fruits, especially peaches, plums, and nectarines, contain phenolic compounds, which are nutrients that have anti-inflammatory properties. When these compounds travel through your bloodstream, they reach the fat cells and help break them down.

2. Fruit may prevent diabetes.

Special nutrients, called flavonoids, are found in plant foods, including fruit. Many studies have confirmed that flavonoids can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, most likely because they help improve insulin sensitivity. A long-running study conducted by Harvard University found that women who regularly consumed anthocyanins (a particular pigment responsible for the colour of blueberries and strawberries) were less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than women who do not regularly consume these compounds.

3. Fruit helps with weight loss.

Recent studies have shown that fruit may be more powerful than veggies when it comes to weight loss. A study conducted by Utah State University found that fruit helped with weight loss when they examined the eating habits of more than 75 obese adults. The adults who ate more fruit lost more weight. Other studies, such as one conducted by a Danish group of researchers, found that eating fruit reduces your risk of obesity as well.

4. Fruit is good for your health.

Like veggies, fruit helps to protect your body from chronic health problems, like heart disease, stroke, and cancers. It also helps reduce the likelihood of developing depression, which is very common in those suffering from diabetes.

Hopefully these reasons convince you of the significant health powers of fruit. If you are a diabetic and thought that you should avoid fruit, consult with your doctor and make sure you have approval—but you will most likely be able to begin enjoying fruit again!
