by Ingredient

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How to Eat So Your Belly Stays Happy

Digestive problems, such as constipation, bloating, gas, heartburn and ulcers are quite common. While most of the time these problems are more irritating than serious, they can become worse if you do not handle them properly. Learn what foods may contribute to these common problems and what you can do to make them better.

1. Constipation

Dairy products, refined carbohydrates (like wheat, corn, sugar, soda, etc.), fried foods and rich foods like French fries, pastries, or chocolate, can all lead to problems with constipation. If you are suffering from this condition, try increasing fibre and fluids, and eating foods like prunes, kiwis, apples, or pears. Also, certain spices like ginger, cumin or turmeric are known to help. Fish oil and sesame oil may also improve the situation.

2. Diarrhea

Fried foods, foods that are very high in fibre (like bran, cabbage and citrus fruits) may lead to diarrhea. Sugar alcohols, like artificial sweeteners, may also lead to this problem. To make it go away, try probiotics, green tea, fermented vegetables, cinnamon or chicken and beef broths.

3. Heartburn

Heartburn is an uncomfortable condition often brought on after eating spicy or greasy foods, coffee, or soda. To make yourself feel better, try green liquorice or aloe vera.

4. Ulcers

Ulcers can be especially painful, and when left untreated they can lead to more serious problems. Alcohol and coffee are thought to make ulcers worse. If you suffer from ulcers, make sure you are consuming enough cranberry juice, cooked apples, lentils, beans, honey and cabbage juice, all of which can help provide relief.

5. Gas/Bloating

Many foods are known to cause problems with gas and bloating, including soda, beer, beans, greasy foods, and high fibre vegetables. If you are suffering from gas or bloating, try consuming honey, anise, fennel bulbs or peppermint to get some relief.

Digestive problems are very common, and range from annoying to painful to serious. Understanding what foods can cause the problems, and what you can do to make the situation better is important!
