by Ingredient

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Keeping Your Cool Can Keep You Alive!

Recent research reveals that a person has an increased chance of having a heart attack either during or after an angry episode.

Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health reviewed the records of several thousand people who had heart attacks, stroke or arrhythmia. 

After analyzing the data, they discovered that a person has five times the chances of experiencing a heart attack, four times the risk of experiencing a stroke, and a higher risk of experiencing heart arrhythmia during the first two hours following an angry episode. 

Those who experienced outbursts more frequently, or had other pre-existing conditions such as cardiovascular disease or hypertension, had even more risk.

The study, which was recently published in the European Heart Journal, discussed how anger can have physiological changes for us. Dr. Murray Mittleman, one of the researchers, described how anger can affect our breathing, our heart rate and our blood pressure, by constricting blood vessels. Development of blood clots is also more common after angry episodes, as blood is more likely to clot during these episodes.

Researchers concluded that making certain lifestyle changes can help to lessen the likelihood that you will experience heart disease in general, including monitoring cholesterol, quitting smoking and getting enough physical activity. These are all things that also help people to control their anger—which is now known to increase the chances of experiencing heart attack or stroke.

Limiting stress can be an important factor for preventing angry outbursts and heart attacks. Those who meditate can lower their risk by learning strategies that can help them remain calm during stressful periods. 

One study concluded that a mere 20 minutes per day of meditation could cut the risk of heart attack in half. Controlling your emotions is important for your overall health and happiness! Take a walk, or take a deep breath and stay in control to stay healthy.


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SOURCES:;; Image courtesy of stockimages /
