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Cheesecake recipe collection

794 Cheesecakes recipes

Northwest Cheesecake Supreme
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Northwest Cheesecake Supreme recipe

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cheesecake
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It's hard to not indulge into this cheesecake that's made with cream cheese, peanut butter, chocolate and sour cream.

Pineapple Ricotta Cheesecake
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Pineapple Ricotta Cheesecake recipe

Pumpkin Cheesecake(Steamed)
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This lemony pumpkin-flavored dessert is low-fat, airy, and souffle-like because it's made with only the beaten whites of the egg. The cake puffs in the steamer and then deflates slightly as it stands.

Sara Lee Original Cream Cheesecake
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Sara Lee Original Cream Cheesecake recipe

Showing 433 - 448
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