by Ingredient

Cranberry recipe collection

413 Cranberries recipes

Sweet Potato & Cranberry Quiche
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Sweet potatoes, carrots and cranberries in cream cheese quiche -- This recipe has become a real holiday favorite in our family. It is sweeter than most quiches, but not as sweet as most pies, and can be eaten either as a side dish, or as dessert.

Favourite Cranberry Cake
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Favourite Cranberry Cake recipe

Grilled Turkey spears with 3 Sauces
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Grilled Turkey spears with 3 Sauces recipe

Perfect Paleo Citrus Cranberry Sauce
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Sugar sugar and more sugar is the main ingredient in most cranberry sauces. Following the paleo diet gives you the healthier upper hand for making your own sugar-free sauce with fresh cranberries.

Showing 241 - 256
of 413 recipes