Chicken Indienne recipe
Fantastic and can leave ingredients out or subsitute and still fabulous. Excellent for lunches on toasted bagels or crackers for a party. I have made this several times and it is always a hit!!!
Start your biscotti obsession with my family recipe for Italian Almond Biscotti. Easy with classic taste -it will quickly become one of your favorites.
This pie is the perfect balance of sweet and tart with a lovely lattice crust:)
Austrian Cheesecake recipe
This quick-easy to make potato salad goes deliciously well with roasted lamb, chicken or simple fish dishes.
Make this delicious golden fruitcake to serve as a dessert, or wrap it up nicely as a gift.
Only three ingredients and a microwave and you can have poached pears easily on standby for a healthy fruit dessert.
Orange you glad to have found this succulent dish made with rainbow trout fillets, mandarin oranges, and a drop of vodka?
From the McCall's recipe card collection, Our Rich Heritage card #5A
Bread Machine Poppy Seed Lemon Bread recipe
Showing 7793 - 7808 of 7943 recipes